Tuesday 30 October 2018

Cheap Event Shirts – Good Investment Or A Losing Bad One?

We thought that the event was not stopping until a fortnight!

It wouldn’t, especially if it is a long one, for example, the Olympic Games.

In terms of durability, a difference in quality decides the fate of the T-shirt. Perhaps, one would search for T-shirts that can be used for multiple uses. Cleaning dirt off the floors, for instance.


With all of the wide availability of cheap event shirts, you could use your intellect to choose the best ones or go down with the stream to order anything online. To decide whether an investment is good or bad, the goal should be determined first.

Here, for instance, we are talking shirts or T-shirts for just an event. Therefore, it’s aesthetic and practical application is just limited to an event. So, if it’s coming at a dirt cheap price of $3 or less per pop, then it’s a great investment. However, the MOQ or Minimum Order Quantity has to be around 500 or more. It also depends on the kind of printing required on the T-shirts.

No one’s likely to compare branded T-shirts with these T-shirts due to apparent reasons. Of course, one can find cheap school shirts of better quality and better durability, but still, it doesn’t match up to the standards of highly branded T-shirts. Be it the color or fabric quality, you can check out the significant difference. But, if you have a defined purpose, you should invest accordingly. There’s really no use to print high-quality shirts for an event that isn’t going to be held in the future.